(2016) Making Development Political. NGOs as Agents for Alternatives to Development, Nomos: Baden-Baden 2016. DOI: 10.5771/9783845272887
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
(2023) (Un)Doing performative decolonisation in the global development ‘imaginaries’ of academia. Global Discourse (published online ahead of print 2023), mit Lata Narayanaswamy
(2022) The many faces of Post-Development: alternatives to development in Tanzania, Iran and Haiti, Sustainability Science, Published online: 21 June 2022, with Daniel Haudenschild, Hadi Darvishi, Somayeh Momeni & Aram Ziai
(2021) Why positionalities matter: reflections on power, hierarchy, and knowledges in “development” research, Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d’études du développement, DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2021.1871593, with Arda Bilgen and Aftab Nasir
(2017) NGO partnerships in Haiti: clashes of discourse and reality, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 38 (3), 2017. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2016.1199946
As Editor
(2023) Guest Editor for Volume 31, Issue 2&3 of Gender and Development: Decolonising Knowledge and Practice (mit Shivani Satija, Anandita Ghosh, Lata Narayanaswamy, Lina Abou-Habib, Montserrat Algarabel)
(2021) Dekolonisierung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Postdevelopment Alternativen – Akteur*innen, Institutionen, Praxis, Baden-Baden: Nomos, with Aram Ziai
(2021) Kritische Entwicklungstheorie und Interkulturelle Philosophie im Dialog, POLYLOG – Zeitschrift für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, polylog 44, winter 2020, with Franz Gmainer-Pranzl
(2020) “How do we know the world?! – Collective engagements with the (de)coloniality of development research and teaching”, Acta Academica, with Lata Narayanaswamy and the Convivial Thinking Writing Collective
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
(2019) Imagining Postcolonial-Development Studies – Reflections on Positionality and Research Practices, in: Baud, Isabelle, Tiina Kontinen, Elisabetta Basile (eds.): Building Development Studies for the New Millennium. Palgrave MacMillan: London. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04052-9_5
(2019) Manoeuvering political realms: Alternatives to Development in Haiti, in: Elise Klein, Carlos Eduardo Morreo (eds.) Post-Development in Practice, Routledge: London.
Book chapters
(Forthcoming) Das Transformationsversprechen der SDGs: Nachhaltigkeit, ‚Entwicklung‘ – und Gerechtigkeit? (with Mia Kristin Häckl) in: Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse, Peter Lang Verlag: Frankfurt a.M.
(2021) Praktische Konsequenzen der Postdevelopment Kritik? – INGOs und Alternativen zur Entwicklung, in: Julia Schöneberg, Aram Ziai (eds.). Dekolonisierung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Postdevelopment Alternativen – Akteur*innen, Institutionen, Praxis, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
(2021) Global Citizenship Education – Bildung für eine pluriverse Welt?, in: Bettina Brandstetter, Ulrike Greiner, Franz Gmainer-Pranzl (eds.) Von „schöner Vielfalt“ zu prekärer Heterogenität, Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse, Peter Lang Verlag: Frankfurt a.M.
(2020) Mete Tèt Ansanm – Auf der Suche nach Alternativen zur Entwicklung in Haiti, in: Anita Rötzer, Franz Gmainer-Pranzl (eds.): Shrinking Spaces – Mehr Raum für globale Zivilgesellschaft!, Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse, Peter Lang Verlag: Frankfurt a.M.
(2016) INGOs in Haiti: Entwicklungsakteure als Promotoren von Alternativen zur Entwicklung? In: Gmainer-Pranzl, Franz und Angela Schottenhammer (eds.) (2016): Wissenschaft und globales Denken, Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse – Band 7. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Other Articles
(2022) Kann es dekoloniale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit geben?, in: Kontinuität des Unrechts. Das koloniale Erbe von Entwicklung und Mission, Grüne Reihe 122
(2020) Knowledge and Science Advice during and after COVID-19: Re-Imagining Notions of ‘Expertise’ for Postnormal Times, with Maru Mormina and Lata Narayanaswamy, (December 22, 2020). Preprint. Available at SSRN.
(2020) ‘Development’: False promises, questionable term, with Aram Ziai, Development + Cooperation, e-Paper no. 9 2020, 2020/09
(2018) Manevwe domèn politik la: Sipòte lit la a travè finasman chanjman sosyal lan, in: Chantiers, Revue des Sciences humaines et sociales de l’Université d’état d’Haïti Numéro spécial “Les ONG en Haïti : vers de nouveaux paradigmes explicatifs”, Port-au-Prince.
(2023) “Braiding Sweetgrass. Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teaching of Plants” (Robin Wall Kimmerer), in: FKW// Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und Visuelle Kultur
(2021) Urgencies and imperatives for revolutionary (environmental) transitions: from degrowth and postdevelopment towards the pluriverse?, with Jorge Garcia-Arias, Environmental Politics,DOI 10.1080/09644016.2021.1911443
(2019) “Global Development and Colonial Power. German Development Policy at Home and Abroad “ (Daniel Bendix), in: Peripherie Nr. 154/155, 313-315.
Working Papers
(2023) (How) can public policies enable transformation? -Theory and practice of Post-Development in relation to the state, with Ana Agostino, DPS Working Paper Series
(2022) Alternatives to ‘development’? Exploring counter‐hegemonic practices
(with)in politics, economies and knowledges, DPS Working Paper Series
(2021) Layers of Post-Development: De- and reconstructions in a world in which many worlds exist, DPS Working Paper Series
(2016) Partnership and cooperation in Haiti: Clashes of reality and construction. DPS Working Paper Series No. 4, Department for Development and Postcolonial Studies, University Kassel.
(2015) NGOs: Development actors as agents for alternatives to development? Exploring the case of Haiti. ZEF Research in Brief, Centre for Development Research, Bonn, September 2015.