Invited Keynotes, Talks and Guest Lectures
(10/2022) Invited Workshop Panelist: Reading Groups as Refuges of Care in the Neoliberal University, session organised by Anke Tonnaer, Annemiek Prins, Catrien Notermans, Elke Linders, Karolien van Teijlingen (Radboud University Nijmegen) at the Deep Commons Conference 2022
(10/2022) Workshop Facilitation: EU Development Studies – A Decolonial Avenue?, Ghent University
(01/2022) Talk: “Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Dekoloniale Forschungspraxis und Postdevelopment Alternativen” Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies, Leibniz Universität Hannover
(12/2021) Talk: “Making Development Political”, University of Padua
(09/2021) Invited Roundtable Panelist: “Dekoloniale Forschungspraxis und Postdevelopment Alternativen”, medico Stiftung – Der utopische Raum im globalen Frankfurt
(05/2021) Podcast: “Decoloniality and Degrowth”, as part of the series ‘Here comes Columbus’
(01/2021) Guest lecture: “SDGs and beyond: sustainability, ‘development’, and justice?”, Hochschule Düsseldorf
(12/2020) Talk: “Postkolonialismus und Postdevelopment”, VENRO Forum
(12/2020) Keynote: “Scrutinizing the SDGs: Sustainability, ‘development’, and justice?”, Ghent Global Studies Winter School
(1/2020) Talk: “Perspektiven der Entwicklungspolitik: Postdevelopment”, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
(12/2019) Talk: “Einführung in postkoloniale Theorien und Kritik an Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“, Eine-Welt-Netzwerk NRW/Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
(11/2019) Talk: “Die SDGs aus Perspektive kritischer Entwicklungstheorie“, Entwicklungspolitische Hochschulwochen, Universität Salzburg und Südwind Austria
(10/2019) Invited Roundtable Participant: “Transnational Knowledge Cooperation for Sustainable Development”, Global Development Network (GDN) Conference, Bonn
(06/2019) Invited Roundtable Participant: „The Future of Development Studies”, Joint Nordic Conference on Development, Kopenhagen
(03/2019) Talk: “Post-Development in der Praxis“, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Kassel
(02/2019) Talk: “Alternative Entwicklung oder Alternativen zur Entwicklung? Post-Development und kritische Entwicklungstheorien“, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Köln
(06/2018) Talk: “Entanglements of Positionality: Reflections on development research practice”, as part of the Early Careers Researcher Plenary, Development Studies Association Conference, Manchester
(10/2017) Talk: “Méte tet ansanm – Berichte aus der haitianischen Zivilgesellschaft“, Entwicklungspolitische Hochschulwochen, Universität Salzburg and Südwind Austria
(05/2017) “Decolonising Development – “Whose voice, whose agenda” Online Conference, University of Leeds
(11/2014) Talk: “NGOs- Development Actors as Actors for Alternatives to Development?“, Jungforscher*innenforum, 6. Österreichischen Entwicklungstagung, Salzburg
(10/2014) Guest Lecture: “The Postmodern turn: human development and post-development”, Universität Maastricht